Monday, November 1, 2010

Da, Nyet, Mohzhitbyt

Hi Everyone,

First off the praise report.  We finally got a great nights sleep Maggie slept 10 hours, 8 hours straight, and Isabella slept 10 hours straight so we were finally able to get some decent rest.  We think Maggie does not like the little tent sleeper we bought her.  When she rolls over or slighty wakes up, we think she gets terrified and has no idea what is going on.  So we made a makeshift crib/bed last night and oh how beautiful the sleep was!

Now for the news that everyone has been waiting for, but first this ad from our sponsor.....Seriously not our sponsor but we did visit the orphanage and there is this great charity that works directly with the kids at the orphanage as well as helping kids that are to old for the orphanage.  They help the older kids transition from the orphanage life to the real world and help them avoid all the pitfalls that comes with being thrown essential out on their own.  Please go to and help out any way you can, it makes no difference in our adoption process but it makes a world of difference to the kids, and that is what matters.

So now with out further delay here is what happened today.  Basically we completely overwhelmed and perhaps intimated Vlad and Dima a bit.  There ended up being 7 adults plus our two girls in the room when they showed up and as you would imagine they were very shy.  Dima cheered up a lot more once we started talking some and showing him some pictures.  Vlad we were told is very quite and focused and reserved, so he did not show much emotion.  He did like the gifts (even thought the jersey might fit him in 5 years), and got very interested when we showed him all the pictures.  Isabella also went around the room and handed everyone a mint including the boys and she and they really liked that.  They then left the room after about 10-15 minutes.  They were both very small and cute.  Dima was about the same size as Isabella, and Vlad was only a few inches taller.  Both looked healthy and well mannered.  They seem very close to one another, like good brothers should be...right Eric?

We talked to the orphanage director a lot and found out some very interesting information.  They do have a grandmother but because of her health, and perhaps other reasons she was not allowed to adopt the children, but is allowed visitation from time to time.  Also we found out that a nice Italian couple came about a year ago to try and adopt them but the older boy Vlad said no because he wanted to stay near the grandmother.  We also found out that the orphanage did not really prepare the kids at all that we were coming, so they were obviously overwhelmed.  They were just told that someone is coming to visit them. So basically at this point we have not been given an answer, but it is not looking good.  We are hopefully going to be able to spend some time with the kids latter this afternoon, and/or maybe tomorrow.  We may find out more today, but probably not until tomorrow, and Wednesday at the latest.

If they say yes obviously we stay the course and things should go as loosely planned as before.  If they say no there are options, but I will discuss that in another email if it comes down to that.  So at this point lots of prayers for guidance and God to reveal his plan for us and the boys.  We obviously want the boys to say yes, but we do not want it forced or coerced. 

The 4 hopefully the 6

P.S. The title is phonetic Russian for Yes, No, Maybe

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